Thursday, February 26, 2009

One Week

In one week I will be on my way to St. George, UT for a scrapbooking weekend with my sisters in-law. I am more excited than I can believe. A few years ago we decided to do this and make it an annual thing. We couldn't have picked a better time than this to do it. The first week of March is a perfect time to get away from the world and motherly responsibilities for awhile. I for one have Spring Fever. The weather will be nice in St. George. Even if it was raining down there, it would mean I wouldn't be in the snowstorms that would be happening back home. I look forward to this with gratitude in my heart for my sisters who do this with me, and a family that makes sure it can all work out.

Grant is very excited about this trip for different reasons. It means he gets to have Uncle Randy and cousin Jaden come for a visit. He has been asking about it for days now. He is a little sad that he doesn't get to go stay with Grandma Sue and Lila does, but once he realizes it is a boy's weekend he will be so overloaded with excitement that he won't care in the least. This is also Lila's first time away by herself. She is getting to be such a big girl. Usually she has Grant with her when she is at Grandma's house. It should be interesting for all involved. They do get to take her to church with them on Sunday. This time Grandpa Charlie can take Lila into the nursery instead of roaming the halls with her.

So all in all, this next week will seem like a year. If only I could make the four days after seems as long.

1 comment:

  1. Crystal! Hello, there! I love that Jenae has a blog now and that I'm getting links to the ward girls' blogs from it, too! :) Fun!

    Your scrapbook getaway sounds fun :) I have never really scrapbooked before but I have had ambitions, lol. I have a bajillion of pictures that I need to do something with. Have you ever digitally scrapbooked? My sister-in-law is big into that because of all of the digital pictures she's got.

    Cute blog! :)
