Tuesday, June 23, 2009


My son keeps telling me how bored he is. So I went to Wal-mart and bought over $100 woth of activities for the kids this summer. I bough sun catchers, pony beads, fun fuse beads, pom pom animals, chenille animals, hand puppets, 3D chalk, and paint brushes (already have the paint), foam visors, foam sunglasses, and masks. Quite a list of things to do. Now if only they will be okay with doing just one a day. There are always lots of other things we can do. Lets hope I can keep them occupied for the rest of summer. Ha Ha.


  1. fun that you have a blog! I am jealous..I want to go to YW camp! :)

  2. It's great that you found me Torri. I may not post every day, but it is often. My sister has been begging me for pictures of my kids. I better get moving on that one.

  3. You better get moving if you know what is good for you ;)
