Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I Just Can't Win

I thought it would be fun to take the kids to the park and have free lunch today. The Granite School district gives out lunch to all ages of kids every day during the summer for free. I thought it would be nice to get a good meal that I didn't have to make or buy and the kids would get to play at the park. We had a great time. I put them in the wagon and waked to the park. It's a pretty long walk, over a mile. The kids did okay with eating their lunches before playing and the temperature wasn't overwhelming. We found a tree to sit under for shade and met friends and enjoyed this first day of July. As we were walking home after just leaving the park, I hear this from Grant in the back of the wagon. "I'm bored".

I just can't win.


  1. I guess you could try what Mom always did to us. As soon as we said we were bored she told us we could clean our rooms. I usually found something to do....

  2. Lol, ain't it always the way? Laugh it off and know you are doing great!

  3. Hi Crystal - it's fun to see your family! Sorry I'm so such a short distance away and not getting together. I added you to out blog list - if that's not OK, let me know!
