Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Grant is very ready for kindergarten. He starts on Monday the 31st of August. Grant gets to ride the bus. He has watched it drive by for the last few years and was so excited for the day when he would get to ride. The school is 1.4 miles away from our house and he has to cross two busy streets in order to get there. He isn't going to walk to school unless he misses the bus and the car isn't working. He gets to go to the new school that just was finished. He will be going to Diamond Ridge. The mascot is a rocket. Grant couldn't be any happier. The school is wonderful and the kindergartners have their own entrance and playground. We saw the school st the open house and it looks like a great school. The kindergarten kids have two rooms they get to learn in. One for learning the core stuff and one is an activity and play room. There are only 19 kids in his class right now. Not bad for a kindergarten. He had his evaluation and I think he did okay. He doesn't like to answer questions when I ask him about it. Silly boy.

The next few days will seem like an eternity. He is already bored with the activities we have been doing all summer. He is bickering with his sister all the time. He is just ornery. We are going to be able to go to someone's house today to play. I have special prizes for him if he can be good, but they are still sitting on the shelf, waiting to be earned. School should help with the bored part of his day. I know Lila is going to miss him. Last year when he went to preschool, Lila took a nap because he was gone in the afternoon. Now he has morning kindergarten. We will have to see how things work out.


  1. I'm excited for Grant! ...and you! He sounds ready!! That's so good. Miss ya.

  2. Sounds like fun to ride the bus. We'll just have to have lots of play dates for our girls!
