Thursday, May 14, 2009


We made a quick trip to Arches National Park on Monday. We picked up Grant right after school on Monday and drove right to the park. Had to find a hotel room because we didn't reserve a campsite. Not smart of us I know. Grant was okay with the hotel, but it was boring. We managed to get the last campsite for Tuesday night. We walked to Landscape Arch in the Devil's Garden area first. The kids whined some and Grant couldn't keep his hands out of the sand. It was his favorite part of the park though. We made stops at the Windows section and the Delicate Arch viewpoint. We did the small stops along the road. We made three trips into Moab because we kept forgetting things.
The day was sunny and warm, reaching the low 90's. It became windy in the afternoon and we were not able to set up the tent until we were going to get into it. We did no cooking because the stove would have blown out. We got a movie for the kids and let them watch it in the tent right before bed. I took a few mintues around 10:30 pm to look at the stars. There were so many. The moon had yet to rise and there was no other light pollution. I love looking at the night sky. The wind died down in the night and the morning was still as could be. We took the time to see a few more arches the next morning before we had to leave. The temperature was a wonderful 68 to 70 degrees. Lila walked when there were stairs. Grant always wanted to be in the lead. We managed to get a few family shots. Dave and I took turns with the camera so we are both in lots of pictures. The kids had fun running around the visitor's center. Grant wanted to bring home a lizard. Lila was just in awe of them when she saw them.
So many people would stop and look at our license plate, and I couldn't figure out why. Dave looked and said it was we were one of the only cars with the Utah centennial plate. It has Delicate Arch on it. Pretty funny when you think about it. Here we are in the place where our license plate picture can be found.
All in all, we had a wonderful trip. The kids did really well, and they were in the minority of people in the park. Lots of adults and fewer teenagers. Very few children. Lots of international people.
We can't wait to go again. Or maybe we just want another vacation.


  1. How fun!!! I love Moab and southern Utah in general. Glad you guys were able to get away and take in the sights.

  2. Sounds great- where's the pics????
